A new photography podcast is launched.

It’s June 1st. Lockdown, in the UK at least, seems to be decelerating. Of course, we don’t know how the next chapter will play out. Six weeks of conditioning is apparently what it takes to train the mind to become accustomed to a so called, new normal. My new normal has had over two months of retraining and it’s involved giving ultra wide berth to any kind of human physical contact outside that of my wife and children. And of course, social distancing, a concept I was beautifully and blissfully unaware of at the start of the new decade, has become my unwelcome new norm.

But these times have also cleared my mind. I’m a photographer and I work in what’s loosely termed social photography, so I’m not exactly considered key. I know my place.

It’s given me the opportunity to reset and rethink. And part of that has breathed renewed vigour to produce a photography podcast title alongside another I co-present with Kevin Mullins called The FujiCast.

So new starts, new horizons and a new daily podcast. I’ve just pressed the ‘publish’ button on the first and there’s a slight trepidation that I may have bitten off more than I can chew.

From first glance, there appear to be seven editions already in the can, but what came before is an example of how the focus episodes, which sit apart from these daily Monday to Friday snapshots, will sound like.

This will be a ‘bite sized’ short commutable daily podcast for those who feel the urge to make pictures, either at a professional or amateur level and the difference between the two, is something I’ll explore in future editions. The shorter editions will feature snapshot guest interviews, daily photowalks and your own thoughts about photography.

This particular episode, ironically #8, but in reality, the first, tells you the story of how my relationship with photography began through a UK photographer, Phil Mynott. It also gives me a chance to introduce Daniel Milnor, a New Mexico based photographer, author and Blurb books evangelist.

And today, I’m inviting you, my new listener and new podcast friend to take part. An important facet of the daily show will be to read back and share your short stories about photography and what makes you do what you do, why you love it, why you sometimes loathe it, the highs, the lows, the in-betweens. Those moments when you’re camped out in a deluge with a gas stove that just won’t light, wondering why you took up extreme remote landscape photography, or found yourself in a creative slump because nobody quite gets your vision. Your mails will help me push the show forward and others understand that they’re part of a unique community. So please email the show: studio@photographydaily.show

Also each day something from a photowalk, which right now, will probably be driven by own walks with a camera, but equally, can feature those you make yourself. Share to the email address. Thank you for being a part of this new show. Neale James.


